Broadcast & cinema

Storage solutions developed for true CINEMA professionals

Broadcast & cinema

Storage solutions developed for true CINEMA professionals

Streamline your filmmaking workflow, from production through post-production.

Performance that matters

Modern professional video cameras produce staggering amounts of data at a pace that is difficult to put into perspective. 8K video capture at 60 FPS requires capturing the color of over 35 million pixels every second – for the full length of a shoot. High-resolution and high-FPS capture require massive capacities in the tiniest form factors. A single hiccup is enough to ruin a whole shoot and cause a budget overrun.

Unwavering performance is key.

Robust enough to handle any production challenge

Professional equipment needs not only to excel in perfect laboratory settings but also in the real world, where they are used by professionals in challenging conditions – day in, day out. Whether it is extreme temperatures, high humidity, high elevations, or mechanical stress of any kind, all equipment must keep up.

We engineer products for the toughest settings imaginable and bring all that industrial ruggedness to our broadcast and cinematography products.

Automate your filmmaking workflow 

Besides memory cards, we design blazing-fast card readers as well as portable SSDs to help filmmakers enter their post-production workflow smoothly.

These external SSDs and some of the premium readers transfer data at nearing 20 Gbps – the highest theoretical speed for a USB bus interface.

Advanced cinematograph setup displaying challenges in cinema applications

Taking care of your storage needs every step of the way

Exascend’s cinematography storage solutions cover all the professionals’ storage requirements from production through post-production. We streamline your workflow, so you can focus on what you do best.


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